
With the growing popularity of jet boats in the market place there has been an addition of numerous new owners in various places all around the nation and the world. And with that growth we encounter all sorts of boating conditions due to the varied waterways and the challenges that come with each location. Our desire is to learn from these owners, wherever they may be, and to create products that will help make boating easier based on those unique challenges.

When all is said and done, let it be said of this company that we were created and built on a desire to help our fellow jet boaters to have better memories and experiences on the water. With your help and input that will be a reality and our product offering will be a reflection of that commitment.


Our mission is to develop, manufacture and sell unique and practical solutions to common problems found in the marine and outdoors industries in a simple and stylish way.


Please contact us with any suggestions or comments on how we can make this site better and make your boating experience better than ever!

Thank you for visiting our site and happy boating!